
Friendship in Japan

I think how the groups form in the US is different from Japan. At first, Japanese people don’t care about the status so much from my point of view. The cool person often associated with someone who didn’t seem much cool. I think the crucial element to make group is club, and the strongest relation form in the group of club in Japan. Mostly each club had more or less 20 members, and divided into 3~5 groups. The elements which made them were share of interest and personality, which are common, and in addition to them, I think the location of where we lived was sometimes crucial element. In my high school, many students came to school by using train or bicycle, and if students live close and belong to same club, they usually come home in almost same route on the way. Inevitably this makes them talk each other for a long time. Moreover, students can be together easily if houses are close. As a result of these, they understand and trust each other so deeply. As a matter of fact, I have three closest friends in my club, and their nearest stations are very close to mine. I still meet them frequently and talk about many things such as worries and troubles in university, or something happy. Of course there are exceptional cases; there are people who make closest relationships with those who don’t live close. But in most case, I think people who live close and belong to same club are likely to make strong relations.

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